Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 10 Unit 1. C. Reading có đáp án

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 10 Unit 1. C. Reading có đáp án

  • 55 lượt thi

  • 20 câu hỏi

  • 0 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the Câus.

Climate scientists from the University of Sydney in Australia say tourism causes over 8 per cent of greenhouse gasses. They also say that this figure will continue to increase because the tourism industry is growing. Their study looked at the carbon footprint of many different areas of tourism. It studied the CO2 emissions from transport, events, hotels, restaurants and shopping. It even researched the carbon emissions from producing souvenirs. The researchers spent 18 months conducting the research. They included the tourist activities of 189 countries. Researcher Dr Arunima Malik said her team analysed the impact on the environment of over one million businesses involved in tourism.

The researchers said domestic travel was a bigger cause of CO2 emissions than international or business travel. Air travel was the largest part of tourism's footprint. The researchers said flying would continue to increase global emissions as more people in the world become richer. The countries causing the most harm were the biggest and richest nations. The USA, China, India and Germany had the largest tourism carbon footprints. Their carbon emissions will continue to increase as more of their citizens travel. The researchers encouraged holidaymakers and travelers to try and reduce their carbon footprint when on vacation so their travel causes less harm to the planet.

What is growing that will cause greenhouse gasses to increase?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: Climate scientists from the University of Sydney in Australia say tourism causes over 8 per cent of greenhouse gasses. They also say that this figure will continue to increase because the tourism industry is growing.

Dịch: Các nhà khoa học khí hậu từ Đại học Sydney ở Úc cho biết du lịch gây ra hơn 8% khí nhà kính. Họ cũng nói rằng con số này sẽ tiếp tục tăng vì ngành du lịch ngày càng phát triển.

Câu 2:

How long did the research take?

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Đáp án đúng: B

Thông tin: The researchers spent 18 months conducting the research.

Dịch: Những nhà nghiên cứu đã dành 18 tháng để làm ra bài nghiên cứu.

Câu 3:

The underlined word "They" in the first paragraph refers to.

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Đáp án đúng: C

Câu 4:

What did researchers encourage people to do?

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: The researchers encouraged holidaymakers and travelers to try and reduce their carbon footprint when on vacation so their travel causes less harm to the planet.

Dịch: Các nhà nghiên cứu khuyến khích những người đi nghỉ và du lịch cố gắng giảm lượng khí thải carbon của họ khi đi nghỉ để du lịch của họ ít gây hại cho hành tinh hơn.

Câu 5:

What do researchers want less harm done to?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: The researchers encouraged holidaymakers and travelers to try and reduce their carbon footprint when on vacation so their travel causes less harm to the planet.

Dịch: Các nhà nghiên cứu khuyến khích những người đi nghỉ và du lịch cố gắng giảm lượng khí thải carbon của họ khi đi nghỉ để du lịch của họ ít gây hại cho hành tinh hơn.

Câu 6:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the Câus.

Polar bears on an island in Russia are scaring people in a small town. At least 52 polar bears have been seen wandering around the town of Belushya Guba. The town is on the island of Novaya Zemlya, which is in the Arctic Ocean. The situation has become serious because the bears have chased people and entered homes and offices. Local officials have declared a "polar bear emergency". Local official Alexander Minayev said: "The people are scared. They are frightened to leave homes and their daily routines are broken. Parents are afraid to let their children go to school or kindergarten." A local said: "I have been [here] since 1983, but there have never been so many polar bears in the vicinity."

Officials say the polar bears are roaming into towns looking for food. They say that climate change is one reason for this. More sea ice is melting, which means the bears are moving into new areas to find food. They are attracted by the smell of food in bins outside people's homes. Town officials have asked for permission to kill the animals to reduce the danger to humans. However, Russia's environmental agency has refused this request. Polar bears are classed as a vulnerable species. The World Wildlife Fund says they are in danger because of the "ongoing and potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change". It is helping to keep the polar bears away from the people of Belushya Guba.

In which body of water is the island in this news story?

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Đáp án đúng: D

Thông tin: The town is on the island of Novaya Zemlya, which is in the Arctic Ocean.

Dịch: Thị trấn nằm trên đảo Novaya Zemlya, ở Bắc Băng Dương.

Câu 7:

What buildings did the bears go into?

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: The situation has become serious because the bears have chased people and entered homes and offices.

Dịch: Tình hình đã trở nên nghiêm trọng vì những con gấu đã đuổi người và vào nhà và văn phòng.

Câu 8:

One reason for the polar bears roaming into towns is ____________.

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: Officials say the polar bears are roaming into towns looking for food. They say that climate change is one reason for this.

Dịch: Các quan chức cho biết những con gấu Bắc Cực đang đi lang thang vào các thị trấn để tìm kiếm thức ăn. Họ nói rằng biến đổi khí hậu là một trong những lý do giải thích cho điều này.

Câu 9:

Where was the food that the polar bears could smell?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: They are attracted by the smell of food in bins outside people's homes.

Dịch: Chúng bị thu hút bởi mùi thức ăn trong thùng bên ngoài nhà của người dân.

Câu 10:

What is the World Wildlife Fund helping people in the town with?

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Đáp án đúng: B

Thông tin: It is helping to keep the polar bears away from the people of Belushya Guba.

Dịch: Nó đang giúp ngăn những con gấu Bắc Cực tránh xa người dân Belushya Guba.

Câu 11:

Read the passage below and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each Câu.

All creatures need to eat something in order to survive. Fortunately, different species of animals have different things that they eat as food. No matter what a creature eats, the food must have enough calories in it to maintain life. Calories, or the energy stored in the food, provide the fuel animals, including humans, need in order to live and move about in the world. Any creature that does not consume enough food, or in other words enough calories, will starve and die.

The term calorie has a scientific meaning. Calorie is a measure of an amount of energy just like pound is a measure of weight. A calorie is officially defined as the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius, which is 1. 8 degrees Fahrenheit. The term "calorie" and "Calorie" with a capital C have two different meanings to scientists. The term Calorie (with a capital C) means one kilocalorie, the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. A kilogram is the same as 1,000 grams and a kilocalorie is 1,000 calories. Food calories are always measured as Calories but average people don't care much about the difference and just use the word calories.Food is composed of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutritionists know that a gram of protein contains 4 Calories, a gram of fat has 9 Calories, and a gram of carbohydrate has 4 Calories.

All food contains calories. When we eat something, it provides energy for our bodies to use when we are active. We even need energy or calories while we are sleeping because, for example, our bodies are still breathing, our heart is pumping, and we continue to digest the food in our stomachs. If a person eats more food and more calories than is used up by activity, the body stores the excess calories in case it might need it later when food might not be available. So a person gains weight due to the extra food and calories. Similarity, if a person consumes fewer calories than are used every day over several weeks and is more active, that person will lose weight.

Calorie is a measure of _______.

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: The term calorie has a scientific meaning. Calorie is a measure of an amount of energy just like pound is a measure of weight.

Dịch: Thuật ngữ calo có một ý nghĩa khoa học. Calo là đơn vị đo một lượng năng lượng giống như pound là đơn vị đo trọng lượng.

Câu 12:

Animals that do not consume enough calories over a long time ______.

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: Any creature that does not consume enough food, or in other words enough calories, will starve and die.

Dịch: Bất kỳ sinh vật nào không tiêu thụ đủ thức ăn, hay nói cách khác là đủ calo, sẽ chết đói và chết.

Câu 13:

People gain weight from _______.

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: So a person gains weight due to the extra food and calories.

Dịch: Vì vậy, một người tăng cân do thức ăn và calo bổ sung.

Câu 14:

All the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.

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Đáp án đúng: C

Câu 15:

 Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each Câu.

Reflexology is a natural treatment dating to ancient times. It is based on the idea that there are zones, or areas, in the feet and hands that are related to other parts and systems of the body. For example, the tips of the toes or fingers are related to head and neck, and the ball of the foot is related to the heart and chest. A reflexologist applies pressure to specific areas in a patient’s feet and hands to relieve symptoms or pain in other related areas.

This type of treatment does not cure or diagnose specific health problem, and it does not involve any medication. Yet many find that it successfully relieves symptoms of stress and disease. Reflexology is effective for pain, headaches, and sleeping difficulties, among other ailments. Applying pressure to the feet and hands relieves tension, improves blood circulation, and relaxes muscles. It promotes the natural, healthy functions and well-being of the entire body. Reflexology is often used along with other types of treatments, including conventional medicine.

This gentle therapy is safe and simple. A reflexologist’s only tools are his or her hands. Pressure is strong, but not uncomfortable. It’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during treatments.

A typical treatment session lasts one hour. Treatment is usually focused on the feet for most of the session. A patient is asked to remove his or her shoes and socks, to sit in a comfortable reclining chair, and then to relax as the reflexologist warms the patient’s feet with his or her hands and applies pressure to the appropriate parts of the foot. The last ten minutes of the session are dedicated to the hands.

After relieving specific problems, many patients continue a regular programme of treatment to maintain good health. Some reflexologists suggest building at least a five – minute reflexology session into every day for long – term relief of stress and pain.

Reflexology is a natural treatment which is based on the idea that.......................

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Đáp án đúng: B

Thông tin: It is based on the idea that there are zones, or areas, in the feet and hands that are related to other parts and systems of the body.

Dịch: Nó dựa trên ý tưởng rằng có các khu vực, hoặc các khu vực, ở bàn chân và bàn tay có liên quan đến các bộ phận và hệ thống khác của cơ thể.

Câu 16:

 All of the following may be the benefits of reflexology EXCEPT...................

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: This type of treatment does not cure or diagnose specific health problem, and it does not involve any medication.

Dịch: Loại điều trị này không chữa khỏi hoặc chẩn đoán vấn đề sức khỏe cụ thể, và nó không liên quan đến bất kỳ loại thuốc nào.

Câu 17:

 Reflexology offers the therapy that is...............

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: This gentle therapy is safe and simple.

Dịch: Liệu pháp nhẹ nhàng này rất an toàn và đơn giản.

Câu 18:

 In a typical session of reflexology, about .............. is spent on the feet.

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Đáp án đúng: B

Thông tin: Treatment is usually focused on the feet for most of the session. The last ten minutes of the session are dedicated to the hands.

Dịch: Việc điều trị thường tập trung vào bàn chân trong phần lớn thời gian. Mười phút cuối cùng của phiên làm việc được dành cho bàn tay.

Câu 19:

 In order to have good effect, we should ...............

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: Some reflexologists suggest building at least a five – minute reflexology session into every day for long – term relief of stress and pain.

Dịch: Một số chuyên gia bấm huyệt khuyên bạn nên xây dựng một buổi bấm huyệt ít nhất năm phút mỗi ngày để giảm căng thẳng và đau đớn trong thời gian dài.

Câu 20:

Humans use calories when _______.

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Đáp án đúng: C

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