Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 7 Unit 10: C. Reading có đáp án

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 7 Unit 10: C. Reading có đáp án

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  • 20 câu hỏi

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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 2:

Children recover from illnesses faster and elderly people feel (2) __________ depressed or helpless after playing with dogs.

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Đáp án đúng: A

Less depressed (adj): ít mệt mỏi, buồn chán hơn

Câu 3:

However, owning a dog is no easy task. It needs your constant (3) __________ and affection.

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Đáp án đúng: D

Attention (n): sự chú ý

Câu 4:

It also needs to go for (4)__________ check-ups at the animal clinic.

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Đáp án đúng: B

Regular check-up (n): kiểm tra sức khỏe thường xuyên

Câu 5:

When you travel, who will care for it (5) __________ your absence?

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Đáp án đúng: D

During (adv): trong suốt

Câu 6:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

In an effort to fight pollution and help the environment, the Marina Hills Ecology Club offers free trees to institutions willing to plant them on their grounds. Among those that took advantage of the offer was Marina Hills High School. After consulting with his teachers on where to plant the trees, Principal Max Webb contacted the Ecology Club. But when the seedlings arrived, Webb had an idea. Instead of planting the young trees in front of the school, he thought it would be better to put them behind the school, where the sun gets very hot in the afternoon. “It gets so hot inside the building that the students start to sweat during their afternoon classes,” said Webb. “Now the shade from our trees will bring them some relief.”

“There was no argument from the teachers,” he added. “When I proposed the idea, everyone said, ‘Now why didn’t I think of that!’. The relief won’t come until the trees grow taller, but the school will not have to wait long because it requested two species of trees that grow quickly. “Time is key, and we wanted our trees to get big fast,” said Webb. “We were given a wide choice, from shrubs to fruit trees. We requested eucalyptus and willow trees.”

Webb said he is also looking forward to finally seeing some wildlife in the school yard at Marina Hills High School. “If all you have is a grass lawn with no trees, you can’t expect the local birds to come and visit,” said Webb. “They have no place to make their nests. Now that will change, and we’ll be able to see birds from our classroom windows.”

What would be the most appropriate headline for this article?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Dịch: Trường học địa phương trở nên xanh hơn.

Câu 7:

What problem does Principal Webb talk about?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: In an effort to fight pollution and help the environment, the Marina Hills Ecology Club offers free trees to institutions willing to plant them on their grounds

Dịch: Nỗ lực chống lại ô nhiễm và giúp môi trường trở lên sạch hơn, câu lạ bộ Marina Hill Ecology Club đã cung cấp cây để trồng cho các viện

Câu 8:

What did the Ecology Club do for Marina Hills High School?

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Đáp án đúng: D

Thông tin: In an effort to fight pollution and help the environment, the Marina Hills Ecology Club offers free trees to institutions willing to plant them on their grounds

Dịch: Nỗ lực chống lại ô nhiễm và giúp môi trường trở lên sạch hơn, câu lạ bộ Marina Hill Ecology Club đã cung cấp cây để trồng cho các viện

Câu 9:

What decision was changed?

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Đáp án đúng: C

Thông tin: Instead of planting the young trees in front of the school, he thought it would be better to put them behind the school, where the sun gets very hot in the afternoon.

Dịch: Thay vì trồng những cây non trước trường, ông ấy nghĩ nghĩ nên trồng sau trường, nơi có ánh nắng rất gắt vào buổi trưa.

Câu 10:

What can be inferred from the article about eucalyptus and willow trees?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: The relief won’t come until the trees grow taller, but the school will not have to wait long because it requested two species of trees that grow quickly. “Time is key, and we wanted our trees to get big fast,” said Webb. “We were given a wide choice, from shrubs to fruit trees. We requested eucalyptus and willow trees.”

Dịch: Sự yên tâm sẽ không đến cho đến khi cây cối mọc cao hơn, nhưng nhà trường sẽ không phải đợi lâu vì trường đã được gợi hai loài cây phát triển nhanh chóng. Webb nói: “Thời gian là chìa khóa và chúng tôi muốn cây lớn nhanh. “Chúng tôi có nhiều lựa chọn, từ cây bụi đến cây ăn quả. Chúng tôi đã yêu cầu cây bạch đàn và cây liễu ”.

Câu 11:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work in school. This is a normal development at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to understand. It is part of becoming independent of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually more willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them.

            Parents should do their best to talk to their sons and daughters about school work and future plans. However, it is not a good idea that parents push teenagers to talk if they do not want to. Parents should also watch for the danger signs: some young people in trying to be adult may experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of unusual behavior which may be connected with these and get help if necessary.

This passage is taken from a __________.

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Đáp án đúng: A

Handbook for parents (n): Sách dành cho phụ huynh

Câu 12:

Why do adults sometimes find teenagers difficult to talk to?

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Đáp án đúng: B

Thông tin: They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work in school.

Dịch: Chúng thường tỏ ra không thích bị hỏi. Chúng có vẻ không muốn nói về công việc của họ ở trường.

Câu 13:

When can you expect a young person to be more talkative than usual?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: Young people are usually more willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them.

Dịch: Những người trẻ tuổi thường sẵn sàng nói chuyện hơn nếu họ tin rằng những câu hỏi được đặt ra vì sự quan tâm thực sự chứ không phải vì mọi người đang cố gắng kiểm tra chúng.

Câu 14:

Some teenagers experiment with drinking or smoking because __________.

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Đáp án đúng: D

Thông tin: Parents should also watch for the danger signs: some young people in trying to be adult may experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol, or smoking.

Dịch: Cha mẹ cũng nên để ý các dấu hiệu nguy hiểm: một số thanh niên đang cố gắng trở thành người lớn có thể thử quan hệ tình dục, ma túy, rượu hoặc hút thuốc.

Câu 15:

The word ‘behavior’ in the passage most nearly means__________.

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Đáp án đúng: B

Behavior (n): Cách ứng xử

Câu 17:

What can be inferred from the passage about the writer?

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: I’m 18 years old and have never played on a sports team before.

Dịch: Tớ 18 tuổi và chưa bao giờ chơi cho một đội thể thao

Câu 18:

The word ‘figure’ closest in meaning to__________.

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Đáp án đúng: A

Figure (v): nhận ra, nghĩ

Câu 19:

The word ‘it’ refers to__________.

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Đáp án đúng: A

Thông tin: I’ll be too old anyway. I tried teaching myself in the past, but it seemed too unorganized

Dịch: Tớ sẽ lớn tuổi hơn. Tớ đã cố tự học nhưng nó không được hệ thống

Câu 20:

What will the writer probably do?

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Đáp án đúng: D

Thông tin: Is there some places that teaches people of any age how to play soccer?

Dịch: Có nơi nào mà dạy người ở mọi độ tuổi chơi bóng đá không?

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