Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 Tiếng anh 7 Kết nối tri thức có đáp án

Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 Tiếng anh 7 Kết nối tri thức có đáp án - Đề 1

  • 275 lượt thi

  • 30 câu hỏi

  • 60 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

Listen to the conversation between Thu and Ron. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

What activity did Ron do in Alaska?

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Đáp án: C


Thu:   How was your travel to Alaska, Ron?

Ron:  It was fantastic. Although it was very cold, I did many interesting activities like ice fishing or sleeping in a big igloo.

Thu:   Wow! How did you move there?

Ron:  I rode a dogsled pulled by powerful dogs on the snow and through the forests. It was like getting lost in a marvelous snow kingdom.

Thu:   Sounds cool. I’m a dog lover, so I really want to try travelling with those native dogs. Did you see any bears?

Ron:  No, I didn’t. Because I went there in October when all bears often sleep.

Thu:   What a pity!

Ron:  Yes, I know. But I had a great chance to see the northern lights. They were too beautiful to describe in words.

Thu:   Awesome! I’m sure Alaska will be on the list of my future destinations.

Câu 2:

How did Ron travel in Alaska?

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Đáp án: B

Câu 3:

What did he compare his ride dogsled with?

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Đáp án: B

Câu 4:

When did Ron visit Alaska?
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Đáp án: A

Câu 5:

What special thing did Ron see in Alaska?
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Đáp án: C

Câu 26:

of / interesting / friends / are / Some / think / my / documentaries / not /.
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Đáp án: Some of my friends think documentaries are not interesting.

Câu 28:

cars / will / modern / There / replace / be / driverless / cars / to / normal /.
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Đáp án: There will be modern driverless cars to replace normal cars.

Câu 30:

Write an email of 80 words to your friend Alice to tell her about a festival that you often attend.

You can use the following questions as cues.

- What is the name of the festival?

- When and where is the festival?

- What are the main activities at the festival?

- What is one of your favourite activities at the festival?

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Sample writing:

Hi Alice,

It was great to hear from you. I’m preparing to attend the annual Flower Festival in Da Lat. It often takes place in December or January for local people and visitors to enjoy the Christmas and New Year atmosphere. As its name, the festival is always full of extremely beautiful flowers and other special plants on display. What I like best is the appearance of popular singers and movie stars. Everything and everyone is charming. Hope you can join me some day.

Write soon.


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