Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 CTST có đáp án

Đề kiểm tra giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 7 CTST - Đề 02 có đáp án

  • 150 lượt thi

  • 38 câu hỏi

  • 60 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 10:

Listen again and complete the table with one word.

The news calls the survivor _______________.

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Listening Transcript

Agent Sanders: Help! Help me! ... Please! Help! Help!

Ambulance driver: We’ve got someone here! There’s a person here! ... She’s alive! She’s alive! Let’s get her out. Ready? One. Two. Three! ... OK. It’s OK. You’re safe now. I’m with the ambulance. You’re safe ... Hello? Listen. Listen. You’re OK … Oh no! No, no, no, no! Help me get her into the ambulance. We need the hospital, now! ... Clear! ... Stay with me. Oh no! No, no, no, no! ... Clear!

Radio: … and now some more information on the aeroplane accident last night. Police say the small private plane crashed at 10 p.m. There were three people on the plane. Two people are dead. One person is in the hospital. The police don’t know how the accident happened. They think it was a problem with the pilot. We will have more news on this story soon ...

Nurse Bryson: Good morning! How are you this morning? ... You’re very lucky. You were in an aeroplane crash. And here you are. You’re alive! ... You didn’t have any identification. We don’t know your name. But, listen. Don’t worry. You are going to be OK ... Can you hear me? The doctor says maybe you can hear me. I don’t know. But I like talking to you. Is that OK? Can I talk to you? ... So, we don’t know your name. We have to give you a name. Your name, for now, is … Jane Doe. Jane Doe. That’s a nice name, isn’t it? ... On your papers it says Jane Doe for now. When you wake up, you can tell me your real name. OK? ... Oh, I forgot to tell you my name! My name is Jenny Bryson. I’m your nurse. I’m from England, but I live here now. I like it here ... Do you like it here, Jane? Not in this hospital, but in this town? Where are you from? ... That’s OK, you can tell me when you wake up, Jane.

Câu 30:

Choose the option that best completes each blank in the passage. Write A, B, or C in the blank.

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie was a British (5). She was born in England in 1890 and died there in 1976. She first started writing (6) she was sixteen. Later, when she was a nurse, she had the idea for a detective story and she published her first novel in 1920. She was a very (7) person, so she was happier to stay in and write than to meet people.

Agatha Christie eventually became one of the most (8) writers in history. She wrote more than sixty novels, as well as plays and poetry, and sold more than two billion books. There are translations of her books in more than 100 (9). People love her works because the characters and the mysteries are so interesting.

5. A. player                           B. writer                                 C. actress

6. A. where                            B. how                                    C. when

7. A. shy                                B. left                                     C. went

8. A. horrible                        B. exciting                             C. popular

9. A. books                            B. languages                          C. stories

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5. B     

6. C    

7. A     

8. C    

9. B

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