Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 có đáp án

Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh 10 có đáp án - Đề 1

  • 222 lượt thi

  • 40 câu hỏi

  • 60 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 2:

Who are the volunteers going to help?

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Chọn đáp án A

Câu 3:

What can students do if they cannot join the volunteering activity?

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Chọn đáp án B

Câu 4:

What does Ann intend to send to the children?

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Chọn đáp án B

Câu 5:

What is the purpose of writing a reflection paper?

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Chọn đáp án C

Câu 11:

Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, C, or D to each of the questions.

My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

The main topic of the passage is about ______________.

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Chọn đáp án C

Câu 12:

The word ‘impoverished’ in line 7 is closest in meaning to ______________.

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Chọn đáp án C

Câu 13:

People living there used to believe that ______________

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Chọn đáp án D

Câu 14:

Which of the following is false about the residents?

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Chọn đáp án D

Câu 15:

What benefit can the canal bring to the city?

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Chọn đáp án C

Câu 22:

2. their confidence/ doing volunteer work/ because/ Many young people/ they/ boost/ and/ like/ many valuable skills/ can/ gain/ .

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2. Many young people like doing volunteer work because they can boost their confidence and gain many valuable skills.

Câu 23:

3. can/ that/ on the smartphone/ You/ download/ you/ study English/ help/ more effectively/ many educational apps/ .

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3. You can download many educational apps on the smartphone that help you study English more effectively.

Câu 24:

4. dirt and dust/ has/ My mother/ to/ from/ remove/ bought/ fast/ our house/ a vacuum cleaner/ .

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4. My mother has bought a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust fast from our house.

Câu 25:

5. audience/ reality show/ around/ approximately/ the world/ The/ an/ of/ 7 million/ attracted/ .

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5. The reality show attracted an audience of approximately 7 million around the world.

Câu 26:

Write a paragraph about the benefits of a personal device that is necessary for students’ study (120 – 150 words).

You can use the following questions as cues.

- What personal device do you want to write about?

- What benefits can it bring to many students?

- How important is that personal device in students’ study?

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Sample writing:

A laptop is one of the best inventions that is beneficial for students’ schoolwork. To begin with, laptops are portable and not bulky, so students can bring them to the library or Internet café to do school projects with their partners. Another benefit is that they are preferable to be used for typing and editing most of students’ given presentations and assignments due to their convenience and versatility. Students also use laptops to interact with their teachers through sending and receiving instant messages on social networking sites, submitting their homework via emails or even doing tests online. Last but not least, a laptop is a useful tool to search for and download learning materials on the Internet. It can store much more learning data than a smartphone or a tablet. In conclusion, a laptop brings various benefits to students, so they should take advantage of its functions wisely.

Câu 27:

Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. 

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Chọn đáp án D

Câu 28:

Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. 

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Chọn đáp án A

Câu 29:

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

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Chọn đáp án B

Câu 30:

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

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Chọn đáp án A

Câu 31:

Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.         

1. As the strongest person in his family, Tom always does the ___________.

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Chọn đáp án A

Câu 32:

2. Scientists can ___________ carbon footprint based on daily usage of each family.

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Chọn đáp án C

Câu 33:

3. Jessie is the pop singer who received lots of great ___________from last night’s performance.

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Chọn đáp án B

Câu 34:

4. Students who volunteer in ___________ activities can have some advantages in their profiles.

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Chọn đáp án B

Câu 35:

5. Parents should allow children to participate in community service in order to ___________ their life skills.

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Chọn đáp án B

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