Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic

Section A
 Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic. Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws. There are reports of igloos losing their insulating properties as the snow drips and refreezes, of lakes draining into the sea as permafrost melts, and sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying seals beyond the reach of hunters. Climate change may still be a rather abstract idea to most of us, but in the Arctic, it is already having dramatic effects - if summertime ice continues to shrink at its present rate, the Arctic Ocean could soon become virtually ice-free in summer. The knock-on effects are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies, increased precipitation, and higher sea levels. Scientists are increasingly keen to find out what's going on because they consider the Arctic the ‘canary in the mine’ for global warming - a warning of what's in store for the rest of the world.

Trả lời

Đáp án đúng là: i. The reaction of the Inuit community to climate change.

Giải thích: Tiêu đề này tóm tắt ý chính của đoạn B, đó là cách người Inuit đang cố gắng kết hợp kiến thức truyền thống của họ với khoa học hiện đại để đối phó với sự thay đổi của môi trường.

Dịch: Phản ứng của cộng đồng người Inuit đối với biến đổi khí hậu.

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