One reason tor a change in the number of men staying home is. A. the stability in the number of highly-educated women who are working B. the fall in the number of highly-educated women who

One reason tor a change in the number of men staying home is ____.
A. the stability in the number of highly-educated women who are working
B. the fall in the number of highly-educated women who are working
C. the rise in the number of highly-educated women who are working
D. the fluctuation in the number of highly-educated women who are working

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Đáp án: C

Giải thích: Thông tin ở ‘’She suggests that this is due to several reasons, including the number of highly educated women in the workforce’’

Dịch: Cô gợi ý rằng điều này là do một số lý do, bao gồm việc số lượng phụ nữ có trình độ học vấn cao trong lực lượng lao động

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