Circle the best word A, B. C or D for each space to complete the following passage.In an earthquake the ground moves. Earthquakes commonly for a few seconds.

Circle the best word A, B. C or D for each space to complete the following passage.

In an earthquake the ground moves. Earthquakes commonly (1) ______ for a few seconds. There are big earthquakes and small earthquakes. Big earthquakes can (2) _______ buildings and hurt people. The size of an earthquake can be (3) ________. A number is given to an earthquake that shows the size of the earthquake. Methods for turning the size of an earthquake into a number (4) _______ the Richter scale and the Modified Mercalli scale. Some countries, such as Japan and Iran, are in areas with many earthquakes. In these places, it is good to make houses and other buildings lighter (5) ______ they will not break when there is an earthquake.

A. lengthen
B. last
C. stretch
D. extend

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1. B

last: kéo dài

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