Athens is often praised as the nursery of democracy ________. A. even though slaves were allowed to vote B. because its three main classes were politically and legally distinct. C. in sp

Athens is often praised as the nursery of democracy ________.

A. even though slaves were allowed to vote
B. because its three main classes were politically and legally distinct.
C. in spite of its heavy dependence on slave labor
D. because even very young children could vote

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Đáp án B

Athens thường được ca ngợi là vườn ươm của nền dân chủ ________.

The population of Athens, for example, was divided into three main classes which were

politically and legally distinct. About one-third of the total population was slaves, who did not count politically at all, a fact often forgotten by those who praise Athens as the nursery of democracy.

A. mặc dù nô lệ được phép bỏ phiếu

B. bởi vì ba lớp chính của nó có sự khác biệt về mặt chính trị và pháp lý.

C. mặc dù phụ thuộc nặng nề vào lao động nô lệ

D. bởi vì ngay cả trẻ nhỏ cũng có thể bầu cử

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