Câu hỏi:

05/02/2024 40

Talk about advantages and disadvantages of working in the environment of cultural diversity.

You can answer the following questions as cues:

* What are the advantages of cultural diversity?

* What are the disadvantages of cultural diversity?

* What is your opinion about cultural diversity?

Useful languages:

Useful vocabulary

Useful structures

• increasing creativity, increasing adaptability, understanding more, work effectively

• different language, different culture, different work style, discrimination

• Cultural diversity helps improve...

  Another advantage is...

  However, ...

  ...may cause discrimination with others.

• Cultural difference will also affect...

• In my opinion, ...

  As far as I am concerned, ...

  I think...

Complete the notes:

Structures of the talk

Your notes

What are the advantages of cultural diversity?




What are the disadvantages of cultural diversity?




What is your opinion about cultural diversity?




Now you try!

Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.

1. Cultural diversity helps improve...

2. Another advantage is...

3. However,...

4. Cultural difference will also affect...

5. I think...                          

Now you tick!

Did you ...

q answer all the questions in the task?

q give some details to each main point?

q speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?

q use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?

q use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?

q pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)?

Trả lời:

verified Giải bởi Vietjack

Dịch nghĩa câu hỏi:

Hãy nói về ưu điểm và nhược điểm của việc làm việc trong môi trường đa dạng về văn hóa.

Bạn có thể sử dụng các câu hỏi sau đây như gợi ý:

* Những lợi thế của sự đa dạng văn hóa là gì?

* Những bất lợl của sự đa dạng văn hóa là gì?

* Ý kiến của bạn về sự đa dạng văn hóa là gì?

Gợi ý trả lời:

MAIN IDEAS (Ý chính)

Advantages (Lợi thế)

* increase creativity (v. phr.) (tăng tính sáng tạo)

* understand more (v. phr.) (hiểu biết lẫn nhau)

* increase adaptability (v. phr.)  (tăng tính thích nghi)

* work effectively (v. phr.) (công việc hiệu quả)

Disadvantages (Bất lợi)

* different language (n. phr.) (ngôn ngữ khác)

* different work style (n. phr.) (cách làm việc khác)

* different culture (n. phr.) (văn hóa khác)

* discrimination (n.) (phân biệt đối xử)

Bài mẫu:

Working in the environment of cultural diversity has become more popular nowadays. Everything has both pros and cons, and so does cultural diversity.

Cultural diversity helps improve creativity in the work as people from many cultures have different views, evaluation and creativity. Many people with different cultural backgrounds work together, and it means that they must change to suit the requirement of the job. This process may also help us understand more about new cultures.

However, using foreign languages when working requires more effort, and it will take more time. Cultural difference will also affect the way we see and evaluate things, and sometimes it is more difficult to come to agreement. In addition, forming groups of people who have the same cultural background may cause discrimination with others.

Globalization is a trend today, and each of us must adjust to be suitable to the environment and work effectively in such an environment of cultural diversity

Ngày nay, làm việc trong môi trường đa dạng văn hóa đã trở nên phổ biến hơn. Mọi thứ đều có cả ưu và nhược điểm và sự đa dạng văn hóa cũng vậy.

Sự đa dạng văn hóa giúp cải thiện sự sáng tạo trong công việc vì mọi người đến từ nhiều nền văn hóa sẽ có quan điểm, đánh giá và sáng tạo khác nhau. Nhiều người có nền tảng văn hóa khác nhau làm việc cùng nhau, và điều đó có nghĩa là họ phải thay đổi để phù hợp với yêu cầu của công việc. Quá trình này cũng có thể giúp chúng ta hiểu thêm về những nền văn hóa mới.

Tuy nhiên, sử dụng ngoại ngữ khi làm việc đòi hỏi nhiều nỗ lực hơn và sẽ mất nhiều thời gian hơn. Sự khác biệt về văn hóa cũng sẽ ảnh hưởng đến cách chúng ta nhìn nhận và đánh giá mọi thứ, và đôi khi việc đi đến thống nhất cũng khó khăn hơn. Ngoài ra, việc hình thành nhóm người có cùng văn hóa có thể gây ra sự phân biệt đối xử với những người khác.

Ngày nay, toàn cầu hóa là một xu hướng và mỗi chúng ta phải điều chỉnh để phù hợp với môi trường và làm việc hiệu quả trong môi trường đa dạng văn hóa như vậy.


Câu 1:

I found this exercise a little (easy)     _________than the last one.

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 110

Câu 2:

His new car is a lot (quiet)     _________than my old one.

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 98

Câu 3:

Find a mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.

E.g.: I have visited Philippines for many times.

1. I think we have to try our best to protect the wild animals.

2. I like cuisine of many countries in the world, especially the Japanese food.

3. Maybe the strangest but most typical things on an altar are the sugar skulls.

4. On seeing the robbers, the police asked them to put their the hands up.

5. It’s good for health to sleep early, so I often go to a bed at ten most nights

Philipines → the Philipines







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Câu 4:

China has been known for its own_________cultural features and activities. (PRESTIGE)

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 91

Câu 5:

This book is (boring) _________than the book I gave you last week.

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 86

Câu 6:

That must be (weird) _________novel that has ever been written.

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 86

Câu 7:

Kimono, which/ not make/ various sizes, be/ adjust/ suit/ any Japanese woman.

→ ________________________________________________________

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 80

Câu 8:

Peter got a higher mark since he was (careful) _________than me when preparing lessons every day.

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 77

Câu 9:

Read the following passage and do the tasks below and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

One custom that gives insight into people’s history and values is the way they greet one another. There is a wide range of greetings around the world. These range from the common handshake to other strange rituals found in some countries. Let’s take a look at how the simple action of greeting someone differs greatly from place to place.

In the United States and Canada, for example, a simple handshake or nod is the norm. The handshake has an interesting origin: it started long ago as a way of showing people that you weren’t carrying a weapon. Shaking the person’s right hand while looking him or her in the eye is the usual method. Handshakes are also common in other parts of the world, including Britain and Russia. In Russia, males grasp other men’s hands very strongly during the handshake. Handshakes are also how most people in New Zealand greet each other. However, the native Maori people of that country display more physical contact: they press their noses together in a sign of trust and closeness.

In other countries, such as France and Belgium, hugging and kissing are more common when two people meet. In those cultures, people kiss each other on the cheeks. The number of times varies depending on the particular country. In Saudi Arabia, men might hug and kiss each other (but not a woman) on the cheek. Men will also shake hands with other men there. In some Eastern countries, including Korea and Japan, bowing is the traditional greeting. In Japan, the deeper the bow, the deeper the respect shown. The strangest custom, though, is likely in Tibet. People there opt to stick out their tongue to greet others.

1. What is this reading mainly about?

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 72

Câu 10:

Complete the following sentences using the given words in the box. There is ONE extra word.









E.g.: Wedding of high-__status__people is often held in deluxe hotel.

1. _________  , which is used to predict people’s fortune, is popular in some countries.

2.  Some cultural features like birthday party or wedding in the church are_________from other culture.

3.  Most fathers wish to be_________at the birth of their child no matter what culture they are from.

4.  It’s nowadays easy for most teenagers to find something to_________against.

5.  A_________is an activity that is held officially and respectfully in every culture.

6.  Does the wedding in Vietnam have a_________who helps the bride during the marriage ceremony?

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 71

Câu 11:

Nobody is taller than Huy, and he is (tall) _________student in his class.

Xem đáp án » 05/02/2024 70

Câu 12:

No pupil in the group is more intelligent than Trang (intelligent)


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Câu 13:

There is no easier way to solve the problem (easy)


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Câu 14:

Japan/ have/ many/ interesting/ cultural feature/ which/ Kimono/ be/ most famous/ one.

→ ________________________________________________________

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Câu 15:

No books on the shelf is thinner than this one. (thin)


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